Registration/Credentials Check-In
Location: Grand Ballroom Foyer
Registration Check-In
Location: Grand Ballroom Foyer
Registration/Credentials Check-In
Location: Grand Ballroom Foyer
Registration Check-In
Location: Grand Ballroom Foyer
Registration/Credentials Check-In
Location: Grand Ballroom Foyer
Registration Check-In
Location: Grand Ballroom Foyer
Registration Check-In
Location: Grand Ballroom Foyer
Registration/Credentials Check-In
Location: Grand Ballroom Foyer
Self-Care Exercise
Rho Chi Chapter Hospitality Event
Location: Governor's Suite/Waterbury Area
Line Up for Parade
Parade Chair- Racquell Garrett/ Roberto Glover
Green and Yellow casual attire (selected by the region) to include the umbrellas and handkerchiefs.
Processional Gathering
Opening Ceremony
Location: Grand Ballroom
Open to the Public. Sorors and Fraters encouraged to wear green and yellow cocktail attire.
Location: Armstrong Ballroom
JEWELS & JAZZ Founder’s Dinner
Location: Grand Ballroom
Attire: Jazzy Classy Semi Formal
Sisterhood/Brotherhood Breakfast
Location: Grand Ballroom
Attire: Green and Yellow Business Professional
Beta Round Up
Support Chapter Event
Must board boat by 7:00 - 7:30PM.
Attire: All White with a Pop of Green and Yellow
Self-Care Exercise
Memorial Service
Location: Grand Ballroom
Attire: All Black Unadorned Dress or Pant Suit
Processional Gathering
Awards Gala
Location: Grand Ballroom
Open to the Public Sorors and Fraters encouraged to wear green and yellow semi formal attire.
Inspirational Prayer Breakfast
Location: Grand Ballroom
Attire: Green and Yellow business professional
Vendor Ribbon Cutting
Location: Grand Ballroom Foyer
1st Time Attendee/1st Time APRN Welcome/Delegate Briefing
Concurrent Session I • Room 1 (1.0 CNE Credit) | National Code of Conduct
Speakers: Nutrena Tate, Samantha Agee, and Norlissa Cooper
12:00 – 1:00 (1.0 CNE Credit)
Attire: Business Casual (No Jeans or Shorts)
Concurrent Session I • Room 2 (1.0 CNE Credit) | Diabetes Today
Speaker: Renee Murray-Buchmann
12:00 – 1:00 (1.0 CNE Credit)
Attire: Business Casual (No Jeans or Shorts)
Concurrent Session I • Room 3 (1.0 CNE Credits) | Jurisprudence
Speakers: Lovene Knight and National JP Committee
12:00 – 1:00 (1.0 CNE Credit)
Attire: Business Casual (No Jeans or Shorts)
Concurrent Session I • Room 4 (1.0 CNE Credits) | March of Dimes/March for Babies
Speaker: TBD
12:00 – 1:00 (1.0 CNE Credit)
Attire: Business Casual (No Jeans or Shorts)
Concurrent Session II • Room 1 (1.5 CNE Credits) | Parliamentary Procedures
Speaker: Wanda Sims
1:15 – 2:45 (1.5 CNE Credit)
Attire: Business Casual (No Jeans or Shorts)
Concurrent Session II • Room 2 (1.5 CNE Credits) | Power of Influence in Service Organizations
Speaker: Christy Swinson
1:15 – 2:45 (1.5 CNE Credit)
Attire: Business Casual (No Jeans or Shorts)
Concurrent Session II • Room 3 (1.5 CNE Credits) | Writing a Resolution Impacts Advocacy
Speakers: Norlissa Cooper and Judi Jackson
1:15 – 2:45 (1.5 CNE Credit)
Attire: Business Casual (No Jeans or Shorts)
Concurrent Session II • Room 4 (1.5 CNE Credits) | Mastering Grant Management
Speakers: Nutrena Tate and the National Grant Committee
1:15 – 2:45 (1.5 CNE Credit)
Attire: Business Casual (No Jeans or Shorts)
Concurrent Session III • Room 1 (1.0 CNE Credit) | Willia Miller Leadership Academy
Willia Miller Leadership Academy - Lambda Chi Chapter (Detroit, MI)
Speakers: Nutrena Tate et al.
3:00 - 4:00 (1.0 CNE Credit)
Attire: Business Casual (No Jeans or Shorts)
Concurrent Session III • Room 2 (1.0 CNE Credit) | Outcomes of the Healthy Hearts and Healthy Minds
Outcomes of the Healthy Hearts and Healthy Minds Program: Improving Health Knowledge and Behaviors in Hampton, VA
Speakers: Darylnet Lyttle et al.
Attire: Business Casual (No Jeans or Shorts)
3:00 - 4:00 (1.0 CNE Credit)
Concurrent Session III • Room 3 (1.0 CNE Credit) | Communication and Collaboration Among Registered Nurses
Communication and Collaboration Among Registered Nurses and Unlicensed Assistive Personnel: A Meeting of the Minds
Speakers: Gwendolyn Lancaster et al.
Attire: Business Casual (No Jeans or Shorts)
3:00 - 4:00 (1.0 CNE Credit)
Concurrent Session III • Room 4 (1.0 CNE Credits) | Regional Director Panel
Speakers: Akia Blandon (NER); S. Elaine Leonard (SER); Bridgett Sterling (MSR); Sylvia Page (MWR); Norlissa Cooper (SWR)
3:00 - 4:00 (1.0 CNE Credit)
Attire: Business Casual (No Jeans or Shorts)
Plenary Session 1
8:30 a.m.-Delegate Seating
Location: Grand Ball Room
Attire: Business Professional Green and Yellow
Plenary Session 2
Location: Grand Ballroom
Attire: Business Professional Green and Yellow
Plenary Session 3
Location: Grand Ballroom
Attire: Business Professional Green and Yellow
Meet the Candidates (Delegates)
Education Poster In-Person Q&A Session
Beta Plenary
Location: Armstrong Ballroom
Plenary Session 4
Vendors/Exhibits Open
Location: Grand Ballroom Foyer
Poster Presentations
Vendors/Exhibitors/Educational Poster Exhibits
Vendors/Exhibitors located in Grand Ballroom Foyer
Educational Poster Exhibits located in Grand Chenier
Vendors/Exhibitors/Educational Poster Exhibits
Vendors/Exhibitors located in Grand Ballroom Foyer
Educational Poster Exhibits located in Grand Chenier
Vendor/Exhibitors Open
Vendor/Exhibitors located in Grand Ballroom Foyer
Breakfast On Your Own
Breakfast sandwich/juice & H2O provided for PARADE participants only
Lunch On Your Own
Lunch On Your Own
Lunch On Your Own
Beta Luncheon
Location: Armstrong Ballroom
Attire: Green and Yellow Business Professional